Meet our Team

Stefannie Rose
(314) 744-3073

Where were you born and raised?
Times Beach, Missouri

What is a day at work like for you?
Intricately mad.

What do you like most about your job?
It’s intricately mad.

Who is your favorite author?
Edgar Allen Poe. He was a literary genius.

What is your favorite type of food, and why?
Mediterranean and Low Country.

What is your funniest pet peeve?
When I ask a question of “either/or” and the answer is “yes”.

What is your favorite website, and why?

Where is your favorite vacation destination, and why?
Charleston SC. Beaches, History and Food.

What is your favorite sports team?
St Louis Cardinals

What is your favorite type of music, and why?

What is your greatest guilty pleasure?
Being alone.

What’s your favorite quote, and who said it?
“If I have anything at all, I have something to give.” -My Grandmother.

Who do you most admire, and why?
My Grandmother Helen Rose. She was the most generous, intelligent woman I’ve known.

Who is your favorite historical figure?
Robert Smalls. He was enslaved and stole a confederate ship, freed 17 men, women and children, and joined the Union Army. Later, he purchased the home he had been enslaved in. The mistress of the house was now destitute. He moved her into his home (formerly hers) and cared for her for the rest of her life.

How would you spend an ideal evening?
Sitting solo on the beach.
